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Correcting Errors Overview

This chapter discusses correcting common operator errors. These include keying incorrect values, entering correct values in the wrong place, forgetting to record raises, and improper employee or client setup. Errors almost always happen at the wrong time. It is helpful to analyze the error to decide the best corrective action. Some really massive errors, such as paying everyone on the wrong date, or forgetting across-the-board raises, can take a very long time to undo using the procedures in this section. Such massive errors are best corrected by restoring the payroll to its condition prior to the error, and redoing the job.


In this chapter you will learn:

How to correct errors while a job is open,

How to change entries after a job has been closed,

How to correct an employee's rate,

How to remove an employee who shouldn't have been paid,

How to correct improper recording of §125 cafeteria plans,

How to correct errors in recording deferred compensation plans,

How to cancel one or several checks,

How to make adjustments to payroll,

How to erase a whole year's payroll,

How to pay an employee you forgot.

How to correct errors transmitting Direct Deposit to NPC or your bank.


This topic in the Maintaining the Employee Master File section is also useful: How to remove an employee’s YTD earnings.